In alliance with Adamson University, College of Law
Founding Partner, Ortiz and Bandon Law Offices
Charadine is a founding partner of Ortiz and Bandon Law Offices, a boutique firm specializing in taxation law. She is also a Tax Professor at the University of the Philippines (UP) College of Law, an MCLE lecturer on International Tax at the UP Institute for the Administration of Justice, and a lecturer at the Asian Institute of Taxation. Charadine was a former tax treaty negotiator for the Philippines and was responsible for formulating the technical positions of the Philippines in treaty negotiations.
Charadine spent 12 years at the Philippine Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) and has acquired specialist knowledge in domestic and international taxation policy and administration. She has advanced skills in interpreting and applying the provisions of the Philippine Tax Code, special tax laws, and Philippine tax treaties.
Apart from double tax treaties, she negotiated international agreements on exchange of information (EOI) for tax purposes, including FATCA and the Multilateral Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters. She actively represented the Philippines in regional and international tax meetings led by SGATAR, OECD, UN, Global Forum, and the ASEAN Forum on Taxation to advance our country position in international standard-setting initiatives focused on improving tax transparency, fighting tax base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS) and strengthening regional and international cooperation.
After working in the government, she joined the Asian Development Bank (ADB) as an international tax administration specialist/ consultant and worked for the Regional Project on Enhancing Tax Transparency in the Asia-Pacific for three years. She worked with a team of international tax experts in developing and implementing tailored capacity building activities for more than 2,000 tax officials from 39 ADB member countries in fighting tax evasion, preventing BEPS and addressing the challenges of the digital economy through the implementation of international tax standards.