In alliance with Adamson University, College of Law
Chief of Legal Division, Bureau of Immigration
One of the younger and brilliant division chiefs of the Bureau of Immigration, Atty. Santos finished his Bachelor of Arts at the University of Santo Tomas in 1994 and Bachelor of Laws in San Beda College in 1999.
He became senior staff at the Joint Development Ventures for Peace and Progress Foundation, Inc. He also practiced law as an associate at Arcinas and Arcinas Law Offices in year 2000.
A year after, he joined the hand-picked team of then Commissioner Andrea D. Domingo at the Bureau of Immigration as Executive Assistant to the Commissioner and has since gained significant experience in the field of Philippine Immigration Law. He Chaired a Special Task Force on Deportation Cases and pioneered the implementation of the Citizenship Retention and Reacquisition Law, more popularly known as the Dual Citizenship Law, as long-time head of its Special Task Force; His good reputation as among the trustworthy and dependable heads in the main office, he later was designated as Acting Chief of the Airport Operations Division where for his support and efforts against human trafficking, was among those recognized by then President Benigno S. Aquino; and in 2011 he was appointed as Chief of the Legal Division of the Bureau of Immigration. As chief of one of the most sensitive divisions in the Bureau of Immigration and despite its challenges, Atty.
Santos maintains humility and compassion in his leadership and remains in public service for the greater glory of God.